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notre-dame cathedral de paris

the Notre Dame

This and related media copyright © 1995-2001 Virtual Reality Applications Center



The challenge of this project was to reconstruct the Notre-Dame in its original twelfth century state. The appearance of the building at this time was much "less Gothic" when compared to the landmark we know as Notre-Dame of the present time. Much use was made of the sketches and notes of E. E. Viollet-le-Duc who was the key behind the twelfth century restorations and additions that transformed the building into what it is now.

By far, the most beneficial reference used in the process of rebuilding twelfth century Notre-Dame was Marcel Aubert's "Notre-Dame de Paris." This book published in 1928 contained dozens of high quality black and white photographs of Notre-Dame as it stood during that time. Although many key features of the building had changed between the twelfth and twentieth centuries the photos gave us the foundations for creating our own textures representative of the building in its original form.

Other references relied upon included "Notre-Dame de Paris and the Sainte-Chapelle" by Yves Bottineau, "Light, Wind and Structure: The Mystery of the Master Builders," by Robert Mark, and "Notre-Dame de Paris" published by Newsweek Press.

Additional Media

  • VRML

  (2,157KB + 10.72MB textures)

the Parthenon
the Tempietto
the Des Moines Art Center
Virtual Campus
Virtual Farm
Watkins Glen Raceway
Virtual Comic Book




MD Systems


copyright  (c) 2003  timothy griepp,  all rights reserved

email:  tim_griepp_webmail@creative-vision.org