| creative-vision.org | portfolio | virtual environments |

the virtual campus project

the Notre Dame

This and related media copyright © 1995-2001 Virtual Reality Applications Center



This is a view of the west half of the Iowa State University campus. Buildings from the colleges of engineering and design are visible, as well as the computation center, library, and administration. The model contains approximately 50,000 triangles and 50 level-of-detail nodes. The campus was modeled on an Onyx RE2 and can be viewed in real-time using IRIS Performer. The environment was initially developed as a training test-bed for VR researchers. It was also used for experimental interface development, architectural reviews, interactive student orientation, and real-time walkthroughs.

Additional Media

  • Video

      (4,386KB mpg) 

the Parthenon
the Tempietto
the Des Moines Art Center
Virtual Campus
Virtual Farm
Watkins Glen Raceway
Virtual Comic Book




MD Systems


copyright  (c) 2003  timothy griepp,  all rights reserved

email:  tim_griepp_webmail@creative-vision.org